National Association of Fraud Investigators 


NAFI - The National Association of Fraud Investigators was established to improve communications and to expand the networking of those in investigation and related fields which include but is not limited to Law Enforcement, insurance investigators, professional investigators, security specialists, bond enforcement agents, attorneys, forensic examiners, tracers/locators, credit card investigators, auto theft investigators, international counterparts. 

Enforcement Officers, Attorneys, Bankers, Insurance Agencies, Tracers and a host of businesses including retail outlets must rely on an exchange of information and point of reference to either exchange information or seek aid. Upon membership acceptance you will receive our International Directory, which readily identifies your business, a personal NAFI membership identification card and a colorful certificate that will enhance your place of business. 

You will also receive our newsletter, which contains job opportunities, seminars, discount publications and valuable industry news. We have on staff attorneys and a board of directors, including a former US attorney, former Federal Agents, publishers, speakers, forensic examiners and other specialist. All ready to assist members with problems or answer questions. 

Recognizing that information and networking is the basis for success - NAFI offers that opportunity to be listed with this very broad spectrum, and we offer maximum access and education in this most crucial field. 



Also now available, MANHUNT:  THE BOOK .  Co-Authored by the top Skiptracing Experts in the Country.  To purchase, just mail $9.95 + $4.00 s&h to
Manhunt: The Book
ConSec Investigations
2519 NW 23rd St.
Suite 204
Oklahoma City, Ok
Book available by check or money order only.

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